60.9% of the State budget expenditures was allocated to the social sector
At the meeting of the Adolat Social-Democratic Party in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, report was discussed on the fulfillment of the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2013.
As was noted at the meeting, in this period, macroeconomic stability and consistent growth of economy were ensured, the GDP grew by 8.0%. Economic growth was achieved through growth in manufacture industry output by 8.2%, agricultural products by 7.3%, retail trade turnover by 14.6%. In the first half of 2013 over 554.4 thousand jobs were created, including those in rural areas - 344.4 thousand.
In this period the revenues of the State budget amounted to 24.3% of GDP and costs - 24.2% of. The budget relative to GDP was fulfilled with a surplus of 0.1%.
It should be noted that members of the Adolat Party, when discussing the fulfillment of the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, highlighted the activities carried out in the social sector.
-“The social orientation of the market economy should translate the results of economic growth to the quality and standard of living of different social groups of the population. In this regard, when approving fulfillment of the State Budget for 2013, our group proposes to continue to strengthen health-care systems of children in school and pre-school institutions, as well as increase funds for the development of science and provide effective use of funds” - noted faction member Feruza Amonove.
As it was emphasized, 60.9% of the State budget or 7,412.1 billion soums were directed to the social sphere and social support.
In particular, for development of the health care and strengthening of the material-technical base were allocated 1,750.7 billion soums or 23.6% of the funds allocated to the social sector. During the discussion of budgetary funds allocated to the health sector, members of Adolat noted the necessity to pay special attention to the appropriate disbursement of funds allocated for the intensification of disease prevention, as well as providing the agencies within the health care system with modern medical equipment.
In addition, to 4 381.0 billion soums were allocated for educational institutions and their development. Members of the faction in attached special attention to support higher education and fundamental sciences.
In particular, 62.3 billion soums were allocated for the development of sciences, which is by 25.4% more than the previous year. 39.5 billion soums were allocated to finance ongoing R&D projects under the State Science and Technology programs, as well as 333 billion soums for financing fundamental and practical scientific and technological projects, for financing of innovative projects 62 billion soums and other costs associated with the development of science - 22.8 billion soums.
Members of the faction based on Party’s program examined the allocation of budget funds to raise the quality of health care in the school and pre-school institutions and for medicines and food in health care system.
Information from representatives of the responsible ministries was heard on these issues.
After a lively debate, faction members made suggestions and recommendations based on the Party’s stance and approved the fulfillment of the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2013. At the end of the meeting the Party’s point of view was fixed.