One-man art show for graphic artist and sculptor Gulzor Sultanova
From May 7 to June 7, 2019, the Gallery of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan hosted one-man art show for a graphic artist and sculptor Gulzor Sultanova.
The path of the artist begins in 1975, when Gulzor entered the Andijan Pedagogical College to the Faculty of drawing and charting and then at the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute named after A. Ostrovsky to the Faculty of Industrial Graphics. Since 1990, Gulzor leadы an active artistic life.
The show has a general name "Once again about love". The name is more than justified by all the creative aspirations of the artist, her life position and worldview.
The subjects of her works mainly touch upon the beauty of human relations, the mystery of female, multifaceted interpretation of feelings and emotions. Her images, endued with amazing lyricism, at the same time possess individual features, deep emotional stress and overflow of moods. Her works are marked by great mastery of performance, ability to use the specifics of the material according to figurative and emotional substance.
The show presented the sculpture and graphic works in calligraphic etching technique, which she created during her creative business trips to Europe. The emancipation of artistic spirit makes Gulzor to reflect the human soul in her works: love, contemplation, meditation, sincere flight.
Gulzor used her talent to bring out music in clay and bronze. It seems like music sounds in her works full of exalted human feelings. This musical sense feeling is achieved through the purity of shapes of academy figure, calm smoothness of silhouette, completed by artistic harmony. Gulzor's graphical sheets are equally melodious in their plasticity. According to the artist, they included both philosophy of her work and the philosophy of her own life.