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In 2013, trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Turkey amounted to $1.25 billion

06.03.2014 1875

     On March 5, in Tashkent was held a press conference with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey in the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Namik Gűner Erpul dedicated to the 22 anniversary on the eve of establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.
     "As you know, last week on Tuesday I presented my credentials to the President of Uzbekistan Mr. Islam Karimov and assumed my duties. I am very pleased to meet our valued friends - representatives of the media. At today's meeting, I will briefly talk about the relations between Turkey and Uzbekistan, about the work we plan for the coming period. Later on other occasions I hope to share more detailed information concerning the dynamics of bilateral relations.
     On December 16, 1991 Turkey was the first to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan, and on March 4, 1992 between the countries were established bilateral diplomatic relations. From the first years of independence, relations between Turkey and Uzbekistan have developed rapidly. There have been numerous bilateral visits at the highest level.
     To date, 100 treaties and protocols have been signed that provide the legal basis for our relations. The most important of them, no doubt, is the "Treaty of Eternal Friendship and Cooperation", signed on May 8, 1996 and ratified by the Turkish Parliament on May 15, 1996", - said Mr. Ambassador during his speech.
     "There is no doubt that close cooperation between Turkey and Uzbekistan - the most important countries in Eurasia - will serve the interests of our peoples and the region as a whole.
     The strength and consistence of Uzbekistan is vital both for the Uzbek people as well as to ensure the balance in Asia. Turkey, as a friend and brother, attaches great importance to stability, prosperity and development of Uzbekistan. In this context I would like to mention our desire to expand bilateral, regional and international cooperation with Uzbekistan, based on mutual respect and equality, as it has been and always will be", - said Mr. Namik Gűner Erpul.
     "Turkey is determined to build its relations with Uzbekistan on the principle of mutual benefit. This will was expressed by Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, met with the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the opening ceremony of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
     In this context, we believe that the increase in the number of bilateral high-level visits between the two countries, the creation of specific areas of cooperation that serve the interests of both parties and providing a solid foundation for future relations will be an important milestone in achieving the appropriate level of partnership.
     Our goal - to give impetus to the relations between the two countries and peoples by expanding areas of mutual interest in areas such as politics, economics, art, culture and civil projects. At the same time, we believe that we have to act, looking to the future, focusing all attention on the interests of the two countries.
     Our trade and economic relations are constantly developing. In 2013, the trade turnover between the two countries amounted to about $1.25 billion, an increase of 8% compared with 2012.
     Currently in Uzbekistan there are 450 companies with Turkish investments operating in textile, food and pharmaceutical industries, in hospitality, services sector, building materials, construction and production of plastic products", - said Mr. Ambassador.
     "Between 1991 and 2013 the Turkish contracting companies executed contract works worth about $2 billion. Our companies participated in the construction of airports, hotels, and a number of important government facilities.
     Çalık Energy has successfully completed the project Navoi TPP: launched in 2009, the project was commissioned in 2013 after the necessary tests", - he added.
     In his speech, Namik Gűner Erpul also identified the ways to further expand trade and economic cooperation between our countries.
     "We consider it to be important to hold as soon as possible the joint economic commission meeting in order to identify priority areas for cooperation. Furthermore, we believe that bilateral visits, business forums and exhibitions will benefit greatly in ensuring closer cooperation between business circles of both countries", - he said.
     According to the Ambassador, Uzbekistan and Turkey can strengthen cooperation in such sectors as construction, hospitality and tourism. He also noted that the TIKA office in Uzbekistan will continue to implement projects in the social sector, in particular, in education, healthcare and environment.
     "Marking the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the current positive dynamics helps us to face the future with confidence and hope. I, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Turkey to Uzbekistan, and my colleagues are ready to work in the name of friendship, common prosperity and future of Turkish and Uzbek people" - said Namik Gűner Erpul.

UzReport 06.03.2014


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