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Industrial Fair of Agricultural and Social Spheres

06.05.2012 2273

      The sectoral industrial fair of the complexes of agriculture and water resources, agricultural processing, consumer goods, education, health, social protection, information systems and telecommunications opened at Uzexpocenter in the framework of the first phase of the VI International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange.
     Enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan and the companies of Uzbekyengilsanoat, Uzdonmahsulot, Uzvinosanoat, enterprises of the system of Uzbekcharmpoyabzali, Uzpaxtasanoat, Suvinshootmash, as well as the subjects of small businesses offer their consumer products and services at the fair of agriculture, water resources and agricultural processing.
     In Uzbekistan, raising the level of localization and production of import-substituting goods are essential factor in economic development. In accordance with the resolution of President Islam Karimov on measures to further enhance intrasectoral cooperation of 12 November 2007, domestic enterprises are being equipped with high-quality modern equipments and facilities.
     “Enterprises of our ministry’s system represented 20 kinds of products in the first industrial fair, this year we are expecting to produce nearly 100 kinds of products,” said the head of the sector of coordination for industrial enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan Umrbek Otajonov. “Thanks to the development of sectoral, intersectoral and international cooperation, possibilities of new products and direct contacts of manufacturers are being strengthened.”
     At the fair, a wide space devoted to the products of the company of Uzbekyengilsanoat, too. Currently, a special attention is paid to the localization of production, the production of import-substituting products based on the development of cooperation with other industries.
     “We have established a production of 50 kinds of fabrics and special clothes on the basis of the localization program” said the general manager of the JV Cotton Road Tulqin Ahmadaliyev. “Last year we took part in the industrial exhibition and signed an agreement for 3 billion soums for delivery of special clothing from the companies of Navoiazot, Olmaliq Mining and Metallurgical Plant, Uzmetkombinat as well. We have exported garments and fabrics for USD 3 million.”
     Uzbek-Russian JV Avtotraktorradiator of the association Uzagromashservis produces more than 100 types of radiators for trucks, buses and agricultural machinery, which were previously imported from abroad.
     Demand is growing for these products corresponding to the local climatic conditions and resistant to various influences. The Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant, Tashkent Tractor Plant and association of Toshshahartranskhizmat are the main clients of the company. Contracts worth about 4 billion soums were signed at the last year’s fair, currently its expected to increase this figure by 15 percent.
     Nearly 70 companies of the association Uzbekcharmpoyabzali engaged in processing of leather, manufacture of footwear and artificial leather. Enterprises of the system are actively participating in the Program of localization in order to strengthen the position of the domestic market. In particular, the company of Khujaobodsporttovarlari produces more than 20 kinds of sports equipments.
     The constant emphasis in our country is placed on the health promotion, provision of quality health services, as well as adoption of healthy lifestyles in a society.
     New medicines and medical supplies, export-oriented pharmaceutical products were widely presented at the stands of the State joint-stock concern of Uzpharmsanoat.

UzA,  6 May 2012



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Kartani blokdan chiqarish uchun karta ochilgan filialga shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjat bilan murojaat etishingiz lozim.
Uzcard kartasi sms xabarnomasi bankomat orqali yoqish mumkun. Humo kartasining sms xabarnomasi karta ochilgan filial orqali yoqiladi.
Milliy va xorijiy valyutadagi barcha kartalarga Milliy ilova yordamida masofadan turib buyurtma berishingiz mumkin.
  • Agar Siz kartangizning PIN-kodini unutgan bo’lsangiz karta ochilgan bank filialiga shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjat bilan murojaat qilishingiz lozim.
  • Kartangiz (UzCard/HUMO) yo’qolganda bankning “Milliy” ilovasi orqali o’zingiz bloklashingiz yoki bankning (78) 148- 00 10 raqamiga qo’ng’iroq qilib operatorlardan kartani bloklashini so’rashingiz mumkin.
Identifikatsiya qilish jarayoni masofadan turib, bevosita Milliy ilovasining o‘zida amalga oshiriladi. Buning uchun ilovaning asosiy ekranida yuqori chap burchakdagi photo_2023-04-28_11-16-22.jpg belgini bosing va menyudan "Identifikatsiya" opsiyasini tanlang va uning barcha bosqichlaridan o'ting.
  • Milliy ilovada ro’yhatdan o’tgan raqamni o’zgartirish uchun o’zingizga qulay bo’lgan O’zmilliybank filialiga shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjat bilan murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.
  • Elektron hamyon- pul mablag’larni saqlash, shuningdek, hisobiga yoki bank kartasiga ilova orqali pul o’tkazish imkonini beruvchi tizim.
  • Parolni tiklash orqali “maxfiy savolga javob”ni kiritasiz.
Milliy bankda hozirda “Western Union”, “MoneyGram”, “Золотая Корона”, “Asia Express”, “Contact”, “Юнистрим”, “Swift” hamda “Сбер Банк” xalqaro pul o’tkazmalari mavjud.
Milliy mobil ilovasi foydalanuvchilari Rossiyadan pul o‘tkazmalarni "Sberbank onlayn" servisi yordamida milliy valyutadagi elektron hamyonga, Milliy bankning UzCard yoki HUMO kartasiga olishi mumkin.

O‘tkazma rublda amalga oshiriladi- elektron hamyonga yoki kartaga kelib tushishida u avtomatik tarzda so‘mga konvertatsiya qilinadi. Qo’shimcha komissiyalar undirilmaydi.
  • Visa Direct - “Milliy” mobil ilovasi orqali dunyoning 50 dan ortiq mamlakatlariga, shu jumladan O'zbekiston banklarining Visa kartalariga mablag' yuborish xizmati hisoblanadi.
  • shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjat
  • o’tkazma nazorat raqami
  • jo’natuvchining ism Sharifi
  • jo’natuvchining mamlakati
  • kutilayotgan pul miqdori
O'zmilliybank omonatlarini “Milliy” ilova orqali masofadan ochish, to’ldirish va mustaqil monitoring qilish imkoniyatlarii mavjud.
  • Omonatingizni tasarruf etish huquqini uchinchi shaxsga berish uchun Notarial idora orqali tasdiqlangan ishonchnoma bo’lishi lozim.
  • Yo’q. Onlayn omonat ilova orqali yopiladi.
  • Kapitalizatsiya bu hisoblangan foizlarni omonatning asosiy summasiga qo’shish.
  • Ularda pul mablag’lari uchun qat’iy belgilangan muddat mavjud emas va omonatchi istalgan vaqtda o’z mablag’larini olishi mumkin.

Sizning xabaringiz muvaffaqiyatli yuborildi

Mutaxassisimiz sizga ish kuni davomida javob beradi. COVID-19 pandemiyasi davrida so’rovlarning ko’pligi sababli murojaatlarga javob berilishida kechikish holatlari vujudga kelishi mumkin.

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