276 new jobs organized due to loans of the Mirzo-Ulugbek branch of NB FEA
Support of small business and private entrepreneurship in various areas, including health is among the priorities of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At present the modern medical system was formed in our country, the quality of services rendered to the population is being improved. Mirzo Ulugbek branch of the National Bank provides considerable support in this area.
On the basis of the State program aimed at reforming the health care system active work is conducted to provide medical institutions in the field with the necessary equipment, improve the activity of qualified staff, particularly to provide the employment for graduates of professional colleges. Mirzo Ulugbek branch of the Bank also contributes to the process of carrying out these tasks. Thus, the branch affiliate allocated loan funds for the LLC "SAHOVATBU" for business development.
- Our company "SAHOVATBU" is engaged in medical services and production activities. Our company manufactures laboratory and diagnostic kits, which are in great demand not only in Tashkent, but also in many medical institutions of the republic. In March, we asked the Mirzo Ulugbek branch of the National Bank for a loan. Within 15 days the Bank allocated loan funds totaling 842 million soums. With these funds, we acquired our own building, expanded production facilities, as well as plan to increase the production of laboratory and diagnostic kits. Currently we produce 12 types of laboratory diagnostic kits and are planning to increase their number to 24, - said Sozhida Shigapova, Chief Accountant of "SAHOVATBU".
It should be noted that as on April 1, 2015 the Mirzo Ulugbek branch allocated loans totaling to 19.4 billion soums, 19.1 billion of which - to finance the activities of small business and entrepreneurship, 159 million sums for other state programs. By April 1, 276 new jobs were created due to all the taken loans.
- Mirzo Ulugbek branch of the National Bank allocated loans for more than 35 companies and organizations. They are directed mainly to the development of their activities, the acquisition of the necessary equipment. At the same time, we provide loans for graduates of professional colleges to ensure that they have opened and developed their businesses, - said Polatzhon Holykov, Head of Credit Department of Mirzo Ulugbek branch of NBU.
It is necessary to mention, that the National Bank plans to continue providing financial support to enterprises in various spheres thus making a significant contribution to the economic development of the country.